We provide the necessary tools to launch a life-giving church and help it thrive.
ARC’s church launch model has been proven through the launch of hundreds of churches around the world, with large launch day attendance and long-term success. When you choose to launch with ARC, you have access to all the resources that make this possible.
World-class training from pastors and leaders who are devoted to seeing you win.
ARC’s comprehensive training consists of online basic training, along with a one-day Intensive where you’ll have hands-on, face-to-face time with the ARC team, other pastors who have already planted, as well as other church planters that are on this journey with you.
Church planters who have been through the ARC process and are now pastoring a thriving church.
At the ARC Launch Intensive, you will be paired with your Launch Coach. The ARC Launch Intensive is a round table training and coaching environment for you and your coach to work through your launch plan. They will offer feedback and recommendations as you prepare for your launch. Your Launch Coach will continue to work with you up to six months post-launch.
It takes resources to launch a church and ARC is here to help.
We will match dollar-for-dollar the first €50,000 raised to go towards your launch. ARC is built on the generosity of many and believes in “paying it forward.” The funding you receive has been given by pastors that have gone before you, and we ask that you re-invest those dollars through your missions giving so that others coming after you will have this same opportunity.
No one should do ministry or life alone, we are better together.
ARC is named the “Association of Related Churches” because we believe in the strength of relationships. We believe that no one should do ministry or life alone and that we are better together. Church planting can have some tough days and you will need people that believe in you and want to see you win. With a strong “family” culture and a solid network around the country, you will have the opportunity to build those relationships that are crucial for you personally.